The GET INSPIRED Collection
Why do you homeschool?
How could it be more fruitful? Begin anew or simply re-engage!

Our collection is constantly growing, and you don't have time to watch the over 200+ videos. 

Life is busy, and when we get caught up in the details, assignments and chores we often forget to see the big picture. 

That's why we've put together this smaller collection of our most popular talks from some of our favorite speakers. 

 If you feel that you're forgetting your "why" or need a simple reminder on some of the "hows" then this bundle is for you!

Grab your copy today and immediately feel supported, encouraged and loved...

Here's What You'll Get...

Immediate access to the ENTIRE 13 Videos

Unlimited use for your entire family 

Pay once, watch again and again , when you need a boost

Something for everyone in your family, watch with your teens, and spouse 

Get Inspired Collection$17

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  • Total payment
  • 1xGet Inspired Collection$17

All prices in USD